If you’re considering a move from Denver to Las Vegas, then there are some things that you probably want to know ahead of time. It’s one thing when people from the outside think about moving to a place like Las Vegas, but it’s a whole other ballgame when you live in a place like this and have experienced what’s good, what’s bad, and everything in between.
Green Planet Movers are happy to offer some information for people considering moving from Denver to Las Vegas. Our long-distance movers in Denver can help you move to Vegas and get settled in. Call us today at (303) 309-0099 for a free moving estimate, or fill out our online moving quote form to schedule a free in-home or virtual walkthrough.
Here are some of the things you’ll want to be prepared for before you make the big move:
Things Get Hot in the Silver State
The temperature in Las Vegas can reach 120 degrees Fahrenheit during the summertime, which is way more intense than what people go through when they move from Denver to Las Vegas. That’s just how it is with living in areas closer to the desert, but you’ll get used to it after a short time. Just make sure you prepare yourself for this before you come out here because if not, then things will be even more challenging than they need to be during the hottest parts of the year.
The Average Cost of a Home in Las Vegas
As of January 2022, the average sales price of a new home in Las Vegas is set at about $419,000. While that might be less expensive than what you’re used to paying for homes in Denver, keep in mind that this doesn’t include property taxes and other additional fees.
Which is the Best Neighborhood in Las Vegas, NV?
There are a lot of great neighborhoods in Las Vegas, and it just depends on what you’re looking for. You might want to consider places like Summerlin Ridge, Aliante, or the Northend if you love spending time outside and having everything close by your home. If not, places like Southwest Meadows and Canyon Gates might be better options for you.
What’s the Cost of Living in Las Vegas?
According to Payscale, things like groceries, utilities, transportation, and healthcare are higher than average compared to what you might be expecting if you’re coming from Denver. But there are some places closer to downtown where your rent will be a bit more affordable while still being close to the heart of the city.
Las Vegas is the Land of Dining Deals
You’ll probably experience a lot more cheap dining deals in Las Vegas than you ever did living in Denver. It is one of the things that makes life out here so affordable, and you can enjoy it at restaurants all over the city. Plus, this has everything to do with the economy out here since people are looking to save money by cutting costs at restaurants.
Las Vegas Has Some Great Bargains
You’ll also be able to locate some fantastic deals on services and other things in general at all times of the year. Keep in mind that if the economy is doing well, everyone benefits from it, whether they live in Las Vegas or somewhere else.
What About the Las Vegas Tax Rates?
Las Vegas, Nevada, has some of the lowest tax rates in the United States, which means you could be saving more money than you spent when you moved to Denver. But make sure you prepare yourself for this because it’s not something that immediately happens – instead, it takes time until your financial goals are achieved here.
Las Vegas is Growing
If you’re wondering what today’s population is, it breaks down to more than 2 million people for the city and more than 6 million people when you add in all of the cities and towns surrounding Las Vegas. This means that you’ll never run out of things to do no matter where you go, and it also means you’ll have a great time living here if this is your kind of thing.
Las Vegas Leaves Many Jobs for People
It’s estimated that more than 250,000 jobs were added between 2012 and 2020. While this doesn’t sound like a lot, it’s important to remember that this was done during some of the most challenging times in recent years regarding the country’s economy.
Las Vegas has so many people moving here these days, and you’ll see why if you give it a shot. Just make sure you prepare yourself for all that comes with living in Las Vegas before you get started to avoid any problems that might occur down the line.
Some Areas of Town are “Ghetto”
There is a particular area of Las Vegas referred to as the west side, where some of the most poverty-stricken people tend to live (since it’s cheaper). There are also gangs in this specific area, so if you’re considering moving to Las Vegas and want to live on the west side, then you need to be careful with who you decide to rent from.
The Smell of Smoke
People who move from Denver to Las Vegas tend to find out pretty quickly that there is more smoke around than what they’re used to. Some casinos allow smoking inside so the smoke can get into your eyes, in your nose, and everywhere else. If you’re an avid smoker, then this might be great news for you, but if you’re not a smoker at all (and would like to avoid the smoke), then it’s something that you’ll want to keep in mind.
Some People Live on the Streets
If you’ve never been to a large city like Las Vegas before or are not familiar with what it’s like, then one of the things that you probably won’t expect is for some people to live on the streets. This happens in every major city, but there isn’t as much homelessness outside in bigger cities because it’s warmer and more shelter options are available.
There are “Sin” Jobs
If you’re single or in a relationship, you’ll probably want to be careful with who you date while living in Las Vegas because more people here are willing to do whatever it takes to make money. If you stay on the west side of town, then this is something that you’ll notice a lot more because there are a ton of casinos and nightclubs in this part of town.
Transients Come out at Night
Just like anywhere else, there are certain areas that transients tend to gather in at night near the freeway or under bridges or other things that offer some shelter from the cold. If you’re okay with this, then it’s something that won’t bother you at all.
There are Lots of Cats and Dogs
Since many transient people in Las Vegas have pets, many wild cats and dogs live on the streets around town. Some people think it’s charming, but others feel it’s unfortunate. Whatever your view on this is, just be prepared for what you might see if you decide to move from Denver to Las Vegas and check out some of the more “ghetto” areas.
There are Lots of Casinos
If you’re looking for a job, this might be one of the best things about living in Las Vegas because there are a ton of casinos and other places where you can get a job. Just make sure that you know what type of work you want to do before you move here because it’s not good to pack up and move somewhere without having at least an idea of what you’d like to do.
It’s Really Cheap to Live Here
Since there are so many large casinos and many other businesses, it should come as no surprise that the cost of living in Las Vegas is much lower than what you would pay if you moved from Denver to a larger city like New York or Boston. Even if you don’t plan on getting a job working in the casinos, the lower cost of living should allow you to get by just fine without feeling too bad about spending money.
The Airport is Right in Town
Since Las Vegas has a pretty major airport, then it’s effortless for people who live in Denver to fly here and visit. You should take advantage of this if you know someone who lives in this part of the country because there are many things to do and enjoy when you visit Las Vegas. There are also lots of family members that might live here, too, so even if it’s not somewhere that you end up settling down, then it’s a fun trip to take and an easy one too.
There are Lots of Tourists
Since Las Vegas has so much to offer in terms of casinos and other attractions, people from all over the world come here to enjoy themselves. If you’re someone who likes to go out at night, you’ll find that there are many bars and clubs for you to check out on any given week or weekend day. You’ll also find plenty of things to do during the day, whether you want to visit a museum, hang out in one of the casinos, or simply relax by the pool during your time off from work.
There’s a Great Music Scene
If you’re someone that enjoys music, then you’ll find it easy to see lots of places to go and concerts to attend in Las Vegas. Whether you prefer country music or electronic dance music, there are plenty of options for everyone who wants to come out and enjoy themselves. There are also tons of bars and clubs for people to check out when they want to dance the night away.
There’s a Lot of Traffic
Since there is always something going on in Las Vegas and it’s such a popular tourist destination, then you can expect to fight traffic when you’re driving around town. It might take longer than you’d like to get from one part of town to another, but since there are so many things to do during the day and at night, it can be worth it to put up with this inconvenience.
It’s Easy to Get Around
If you’re someone that often travels for work or likes to get around town by car, then you’ll find that there are lots of highways and roads around Vegas. If you plan on getting a place close to where you work or play, then finding a good parking spot will be pretty easy too. Even if you need to walk, there are also many places you can get to without going through too much trouble.
Conclusion of the Entertainment Capital of the World
Las Vegas is one of the most exciting cities in the world, so there are plenty of fun things to do, and it’s easy to get around. As long as you have access to a car or other transportation, you should be able to go anywhere you want without too much trouble. It can be exciting to live here, but it might also be stressful because there are lots of people and cars around all of the time. If you’re not used to living in a big city, then you might want to consider moving somewhere else where it’s easy to get around without having to deal with traffic or crowded streets. Either way, Las Vegas is an exciting place to live.